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Composable Infrastructure Made Simple

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May 16, 2019
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How would you explain Composable Infrastructure in the most basic terms? Liqid CEO Sumit Puri does a great job of breaking it down in terms simple enough for a 5yr old to understand.

IT infrastructure has oftentimes been described as "building blocks", but never has it been as simple as 'playing with LEGOS' to automatically and dynamically configure, provision and reallocate bare metal datacenter resources on the fly.

With Liqid's Composable Dynamic Infrastructure alternative Hybrid IT/Composable platforms not only look and feel complex they are not living up to the promise of Composable Infrastructure.

Watch as Liqid CEO Sumit Puri explains Composable Infrastructure. While you’re here, take a look at our solutions, then contact us to learn how you can modernize your datacenter with Liqid's Composable Infrastructure Solution.


#ComposableIT #HybridIT #ComposableDatacenter

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Posted on
May 16, 2019
Composable IT

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